The power of Corporate Social Responsibility

On Saturday 27 August 2016, I had the pleasure of being the master of ceremony for the Presley and Powers Show, supporting the STOP: ONE PUNCH CAN KILL campaign. I was approached by two working mothers, Lina and Estelle who decided months before hand to voluntarily donate their time and resources to organise a charity event about a matter close to their hearts. The STOP One Punch Can Kill began after the tragic death of David Cassai on new years eve 2012 from a senseless, unprovoked violent attack ending his life with a ferocious one punch. This night raised money and increases awareness about the ramifications of how a split second action permanently ruins lives and families forever.
Congratulations to Lina and Estelle for hosting a wonderful event. The sold out crowd of 300 people at Regal Ballroom Northcote, raised just under $12,000 for the STOP, One Punch Can Kill cause. Founder of the campaign, Caterina Politi, mother of David Cassai spoke of David’s story and her tireless efforts in stamping out violent behaviour and how society can learn from her family’s tragedy. Tribute artist Mark Andrew performed the Prestley and Powers show, playing for a heavily subsidised fee and giving back to charity. It was a rewarding experience for me and I was personally happy to contribute to a wonderful event!
Having the ability to influence, volunteer and promote positive social and environmental change as a business is a powerful and rewarding experience and something I encourage every business to consider as a mandatory part of their service. For further information about STOP One Punch Can Kill, please visit . To volunteer, make a positive social, physical and environmental difference in your community, visit